
Doll.Tags allows you to create and have your own pet profile pages, including stuff like identifying information, handler contact, etc (here's an example)

How to create a tag?

  1. Go to the log-in page, which also allows you to register, and click on the register link
  2. Fill out your username and password and check the verification checkbox (the e-mail is optional)
  3. Once your account is created, you'll land on the tag registration form
  4. Fill it out, and you now have a tag!

See it as the equivalent for those ID services you have for your pets where you can put a little QrCode or NFC chip on their collar and it would forward any passerby who may have found it roaming around to a page where they can know how to contact you, except it's for your more kinky relationships who may enjoy having it!

Questions or feedback? Want to add some fields?

i'm always open to your feedback and ideas on how to expand Doll.Tags, so feel free to send me a message at feedback [@] and i'll try to respond quickly.

If you experience any issue with the service, or would like to have your account changed deleted but cannot do so through the account settings page, you can of course send an e-mail for that too.

About the account data export format

You'll note that in the accounts settings page, there is an "Export all my data" button.
This generates a JSON file containing all your data and all data related to your account.

Here's the format description of this document.

Data export format description

In the descriptions, "entity" refers to the tag holder (alternative words could be doll, pet, etc; entity is used as generic).
All timestamps are with time zone.

  • account (object): your account
    • id (UUID): the account's internal ID
    • created_at (timestamp): when the account was created
    • updated_at (null or timestamp): when the account was last updated; null if it never was
    • username (string): the account's username
    • password (string): the account's password, in hashed form
    • email (null or string): the account's e-mail, if there's one
    • enabled (boolean): true if the account is enabled
    • is_admin (boolean): true if the account is an admin account
  • tags (list of objects): non-archived tags
    • id (int): the tag's 6-digit ID
    • microchip_id (null or string): the tag's microchip id, if there's one
    • created_at (timestamp): when the tag was created
    • updated_at (null or timestamp): when the tag was last updated; null if it never was
    • archived_at (null or timestamp): null if the tag isn't archived, otherwise notes when the tag was archived
    • bound_to_id (UUID): the account this tag belongs to; should be the same as
    • name (string): the pet name of the entity this tag is assigned to
    • pronoun_subject, pronoun_object, pronoun_possessive (string): the three parts of an entity's pronouns (e.g. she / her / hers)
    • handler_name (string): the name of the entity's handler
    • handler_link (null or string): the link to contact the handler
    • kind (null or string): what kind of being the entity is
    • breed (null or string): what breed the entity is
    • behaviour (null or string): what behaviour is generally shown by the entity
    • description (null or string): a brief description about the entity
    • chassis_type, chassis_id, chassis_color (null or string): if the entity has a chassis, some info about that chassis
  • reserved_tags (list of int): the list of all tags you created then archived

About the project and its hosting

The project is open-source, a more global page about it and its tech info is available on my garden.

It's hosted in France, backups are encrypted and hosted in France (AWS, private hosting) and the US (backblaze).
No other service is being used, no data leaves the dolltags server, and no data is used for anything else but dolltags.